April 2024

In April O’Connell Electric was selected to receive the NECA Safety Excellence Award, a formal recognition presented to NECA contractors that meet or exceed specific safety metrics in the prior calendar year.

 NECA’s Recognition of Safety Achievement program is an elite safety recognition focused on recognizing thriving companies that excel in multiple areas of their safety and health programs.

The Safety Excellence Award is the association’s premier recognition program and acknowledges member-contractors safety performance. Member companies that consistently have OSHA recordable injury and fatality rates at levels lower than the industry standard and implement internal company safety practices above and beyond basic compliance receive the recognition.

Data is evaluated according to four parts.

  1. Incident rates (recordable cases, lost workday, non-fatal cases w/o lost workdays, fatalities)
  2. Experience Modification Rate (EMR for past three years)
  3. OSHA citations
  4. Operations and best practices

O’Connell Electric qualified for the “over 150,000 man-hours” category.