O’Connell’s been working in and around medical facilities throughout our 100 year history. Today, we maintain crews at numerous hospitals and institutions across New York State.
Healthcare facilities are among the most energy intensive of any structures. Round-the-clock operation, strict ventilation and air filtration requirements, complex and varied thermal conditioning needs, and extensive, expanding use of sophisticated electronic medical equipment are the driving factors. O’Connell installs and services the reliable electrical power systems necessary for sustaining these mission critical functions, ensuring that life safety imperatives are met and that equipment and building operations continue uninterrupted. Through the installation and maintenance of sufficient, reliable backup power systems, O’Connell can ensure that your facilities operate as seamlessly off grid as on, all without interruption to power during transition.
To provide electrical services to this highly competitive and demanding sector, O’Connell places strong emphasis on technical training, establishing work quality control standards, honing project management skills, providing modern tools and equipment, and keeping current with new electrical codes and safety regulations. For expansion and modification projects we recognize the importance of sound upfront planning to control and mitigate the construction environment. We will coordinate with faculty, staff and other contractors, maintain continuous electrical service at your facility, and get the job done on schedule.
Sectors of the healthcare construction market that O’Connell services include hospitals, medical facilities, special care facilities, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology & life sciences.
Refer to the adjacent Featured Market Projects tab to review several projects completed by O’Connell for this industry.