At O’Connell, safety is always job one. Safety management, education, and training exists at every level of the company and for each project. We are known as being leaders for change, affecting the safety culture within the electrical construction industry as a whole as well as at individual job sites.
Safety First, Last, Always.
We are continually refining and formalizing the processes and procedures of our own internal safety organization. O’Connell’s full time safety director and support staff coordinate and execute scheduled in-house training programs, develop site-specific safety plans, and conduct regular inspections at project locations. Recently, we expanded the size and role of our company’s safety committee to better facilitate company-wide awareness of the latest, relevant safety procedures and issues, adherence to policies and regulations, action to address safety violations, and development of further safety innovations. Today, O’Connell maintains better than industry averages across key workplace safety indicators including our Experience Modification Rate (EMR) and Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR).
O’Connell coordinates with local IBEW Unions, the customer, and other site contractors to integrate safety practices and help guarantee protection of all job site personnel as well as pedestrians and vehicle traffic. As members of ISNetworld, a third-party global resource for connecting corporations with safe, reliable vendors, customers can validate our record and commitment to safety through a dependable, unbiased source. Additionally, as a member of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), O’Connell is able to leverage an exhaustive database of electrical safety processes and their extensive resources to even better protect project workers, users, and occupants.

Safety recognitions & awards
Both the company and its employees have been recipients of safety recognitions and awards from industry groups and from our customers.
A partial list includes:
- Associated General Contractors (AGC)
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Xerox
- Anheuser Busch.