From its founding, O’Connell has been driven to do road work. From interstate arterials and roadway bridge work to signals and street lighting, road work has remained a staple of O’Connell’s business since Walter Parkes purchased the company in the late 60s.
In an effort to help achieve the Federal DOT’s overarching strategic plan for “Safer, Simpler, Smarter Transportation Solutions”, O’Connell has established itself as transportation specialists with State and local municipalities. The diversity of our electrical work relative to DOT surface transportation initiatives spans intelligent transportation systems (ITS), traffic signals, red light enforcement systems, highway, roadway and bridge lighting systems, communications systems and more.
Highways, along with each of O’Connell’s specialty divisions, is backed by our extensive resources, expertise, and infrastructure as a full service electrical contractor. O’Connell’s reputation for equipping crews with the equipment and fleets they need to complete projects in an effective, efficient manner holds true for the Highways Division. Combine our bucket trucks, diggers, all-terrain track vehicles, and state-of-the-art tools with the resources of another company division like Substation & Power Line and we’re unbeatable.
Moving forward, at a time when increased need for surface transportation system improvements are in seeming conflict with increased pressures on the Highway Trust Fund, O’Connell has the experience, infrastructure, and equipment in place to meet the needs of States and localities along with tighter parameters facing electrical contractors.